Steady: 85% Drop in Off-Brand Posts

And $10K's of Monthly Marketing Dollars Saved

Brand Tooling for Effective Mobile App Marketing

Brand Strategy | Brand Consultation

The Challenge

Although Steady’s social media team provided brand education and creative support for their influencer partnerships, they were still receiving off-brand, low-performing content on a regular basis. The result was having to tolerate a pattern of failed content and lost marketing dollars alongside their Influencer successes.

The Solution

Influencers’ creativity does not necessarily translate into naturally honed marketing skills. By analyzing Steady’s top-performing and lowest-impact content, we honed in on what was most needed: brand tooling that would teach influencers how to apply messaging to creative scripts.

The Result

Steady began receiving consistently on-brand content with far less oversight. Influencers loved the tool and used it to help seamlessly incorporate brand messaging into their creative scripts. The result has been a remarkable 85% drop in off-brand influencer content, which has saved Steady $10Ks monthly of marketing dollars previously lost to failed content.

“I have been able to optimize my approach to marketing content when it comes to clear ad communications”
Scotty Strehlow
Growth Marketing Manager at Steady

More Of What We Do

Say what matters most
Say what matters most

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