OwnIt: 15% Sales Increase

When A/B Tested Against Generic Campaigns

A Powerful Presence in a Fierce Marketplace

New Brand Identity | Brand Strategy

The Challenge

OwnIt, a boutique fitness company geared for men in mid-to-late life, came to us with a lot of energy and excitement as they prepared to enter a heavily saturated marketplace. They understood their passion needed to be turned into a bold brand identity that would stand out and resonate with their audience in a way their competitors could not.

The Solution

Our strategic approach identified the key factors needed to earn the trust of OwnIt’s audience: dignity, motivation, and quality delivered with no fuss. Out of this understanding, we created a clean, bold brand identity that spoke to their audience’s sense of tenacity and quiet determination.

The Result

OwnIt’s brand identity and web design struck right at the heart of how their audience wanted to talk (and not talk) about health and aging. When added to their A/B testing campaigns, OwnIt’s branded approach increased sales conversions almost immediately, and partnership opportunities started coming to them.

"We know how to authentically connect with our customer base and use those moments to create meaningful engagements that drive our sales."
Minet Marino
CEO at OwnIt

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Say what matters most
Say what matters most

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